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William R. Mason Regional Park Entry Driveway and Roadway Improvements

Bridge reflected in the lake below

Project Summary:

OC Parks, in collaboration with OC Public Works, will enhance the park visitor experience by improving the entryway, providing an accessible path of travel into the park and fixing drainage issues. Work consists of: removing existing deteriorated asphalt pavement and replacing with a combination of regular and permeable asphalt to alleviate drainage issues while improving the quality of stormwater runoff; removing and replacing the damaged curb and gutter and adding of ADA-compliant curb ramps; removing and replacing landscape and irrigation within the roundabout and medians to include drought-tolerant and low-water-consumption plants; adding lighting to the roundabout; adding a raised crosswalk and wayfinding signs; striping pavement to enhance the bike trail crossing and assist vehicular traffic more efficiently and safely navigate the entrance. The park entrance will remain open at all times during construction; however, partial lane closures, sidewalk and exit detours will be required. Traffic control measures, such as construction signage and detour signs will be present.


Work consists of entry driveway and roadway enhancements and providing an ADA-compliant path of travel into the park and fixing drainage issues.


Anticipated Construction Duration:

July 25, 2022 to November 25, 2022.

Working Days/Hours:

Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact Information

Name: Ceasar Grijalva Jr.

Phone Number: 714-559-1918
