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Carbon Canyon Regional Park Road and Parking Lot Repairs

Redwood grove with wooden fenced walkway

Project Summary: OC Parks in collaboration with OC Public Works will complete asphalt pavement and concrete remedial repairs of the Carbon Canyon Regional Park parking lots. Construction will be done in six phases starting Jan. 24, 2022. Access to the park will be maintained for the duration of the project.

What: In each of the parking lots, the contractor will start with the required removal and replacement of damaged concrete curb, gutter and curb ramps and drainage improvements. Once the new concrete has cured, asphalt pavement grind and overlay will commence.


Anticipated Construction Duration: Jan. 24 to July 2022

Project Phasing Plan (Detailed Map and Phasing Plan):

  • Phase 1 - Amphitheater / East Guard Shack
    • 01/31/22 - 02/18/22 and
    • 03/17/22 - 04/06/22
  • Phase 2 - Playground / Tennis Courts Lot
    • 02/01/22 - 03/16/22 and
    • 03/17/22 - 04/15/22
  • Phase 3 - Main Entrance
    • 03/15/22 - 04/22/22 and
    • 05/17/22 - 06/16/22
  • Phase 4 - West Parking Lot
    • 04/21/22 - 05/16/22 and
    • 05/17/22 - 06/15/22
  • Phase 5 - Maintenance Building
    • 04/22/22 - 04/28/22 and
    • 05/25/22 - 06/14/22
  • Phase 6 - Maintenance Road
    • 05/26/22 - 06/14/22

Working Days/Hours:

Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact Information: